We create develop and bring new ideas to the market, from product conception to manufacturing, our unique experience which includes 25 years of comprehensive engineering technologies, keeps us thinking out of the box.
Early on in our development stage, we focus on aspects including; manufacturability, assembly, usability, performance, appearance, serviceability and Cost—more than ever before—cost is a driving force in the decision making process. We realize we need to achieve the Ultimate Capability at the right cost. That's why it is our goal to provide affordable, technology-based solutions allowing our clients to maintain competitiveness within the marketplace.
Our Comprehensive Engineering Technologies provides us with the insight to create unique solutions and opportunities. Our creative approach to problem solving is what we is DO BEST.
kensVentions ® focus is to solve everyday consumer related problems and to create opportunities by inventing new and novel patentable solutions. Our one stop invention factory will always provide fresh creative and unique ideas, it’s just what we do, and it’s our passion.
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Kenneth Alley, Inventor and President
Kenneth Alley creates develops and manages a diverse intellectual property portfolio in applied physics, comprehensive engineering technologies, health and miscellaneous industrial sciences. Kenneth Alley is the author/inventor of numerous (50+) patents and/or pending publications worldwide. Alley has spent the past 25 years in hands on executive management with a primary focus in new business and product development, product design, engineering, manufacturing and industrial sciences. Currently, he is the President and CEO of Alley Bio Systems, LLC and kensVentions ™. Alley is also the founder of other related invention technologies and development companies. Kenneth received his degree from Ohio Wesleyan University in physics and mathematics